All About Rangoli
The Indian art of "Rangoli " has its origin in the distant past. "Making elaborate designs in the medium of coloured powder is Rangoli Painting". It is know by different names in different parts of India. Traditionally, Rangoli is drawn usually in front of the house - doorway and around a holy plant TULSI on holy occasions and festivals. “Deepawali” which is known as Festival of Lights and is also called “ Diwali “, is one such occasion.
It is customary for Indian women to draw decorated feet of Laxmi – The Godess of weath, approaching her door bringing in good fortune for her devote family. |
During the last 50 years or so, Rangoli has emerged as a full fledged 3-dimentional art form. The Rangoli designs over the years have not just been decorative and involved, but the Rangoli Artists now makes contemporary type Rangoli pictures with live effects. What once began as geometrical religious symbolism, has thus blossomed into a delightful visual art with secular esthetic appeal. |